1420 Kettner Blvd,
Suite 700
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 860-2100

Health outcomes are vastly unequal across San Diego, and historically marginalized and excluded communities continue to bear the burden of this inequity. Specifically, health outcomes in San Diego are strongly correlated to income, racial identity, and geographic location.
To help address this challenge, the Conrad Prebys Foundation is launching the $10 million Strengthening Health Access, Resources, and Excellence (SHARE) Initiative, which will provide two-year, unrestricted grants of up to $250,000 per year to health clinics that effectively serve communities needing improved health services – especially Indigenous, immigrant, and border residents. This is the first initiative the foundation has introduced under its new community-based approach.
The SHARE Initiative’s goal is to ensure that excellent, culturally competent healthcare is accessible to and in underserved communities. Grant recipients can use the funding in whatever way they think will be most effective for their organizations and the communities they serve.
“San Diego is rightly known for its outstanding medical facilities, but the health of too many of our neighbors is still being harmed by lack of access to the quality healthcare they deserve, including care that is responsive to the needs of their cultures and communities,” said Grant Oliphant, Chief Executive Officer of The Conrad Prebys Foundation. “With the SHARE Initiative, our goal is to extend the reach of excellent community clinics and the care they provide into the communities that need them most.”
“The SHARE initiative will help medical providers who are deeply connected to their community to determine the best use of funds to expand access to quality care,” said Kaberi Banerjee Murthy, Chief Impact Officer of The Conrad Prebys Foundation. “We trust the wisdom of community clinics to make the best decisions to meet the needs of the people they serve. The intention here is to help these local providers retain or increase staff, stay open for longer hours, invest in internal infrastructure, and establish mobile services or partnerships to increase access and quality of services.”
Who should apply
The initiative will provide unrestricted grants to the following types of organizations, who are encouraged to apply:
How to apply
The foundation has created an application process that is designed to be easy to understand and quick to complete. The application has 12 questions, three in the eligibility quiz and 9 in the letter of interest. It should take applicants less than 20 minutes to complete. Prospective applicants can complete the application here.
For more information on the SHARE initiative, visit: www.prebysfdn.org/shareinitiative
1 Community Health Statistics Unit (CHSU). (2021). Racial Equity Dashboards - San Diego County. Tableau Software. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/chsu/viz/RacialEquityDashboardsSanDiegoCounty/HomePage
2 Community Health Statistics Unit (CHSU). (2021). Racial Equity Dashboards - San Diego County. Tableau Software.
3 County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency. (2021). Racial Equity Framework and Outcomes Brief, Data Guide (FINAL). https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/CHS/Racial%20Equity%20Framework%20and%20Outcomes%20Brief%2C%20Data%20Guide%20FINAL.pdf
4 California Health Care Foundation. (2021). Regional market almanac 2020: San Diego [PDF]. Retrieved from https://www.chcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/RegionalMarketAlmanac2020SanDiego.pdf